
Abstract Social networks are one the main sources of information transmission nowadays. However, not all nodes in social networks are equal: in fact, some nodes are more influential than others, i.e., their information tends to spread more. Finding the most influential nodes in a network – the so-called Influence Maximization problem – is an NP-hard problem with great social and economical implications. Here, we introduce a framework based on Evolutionary Algorithms that includes various graph-aware techniques (spread approximations, domain-specific operators, and node filtering) that facilitate the optimization process. The framework can be applied straightforwardly to various social network datasets, e.g., those in the SNAP repository.


  • Social networks are one the main sources of information transmission nowadays

  • We introduce a framework based on Evolutionary Algorithms that includes various graph-aware techniques that facilitate the optimization process

  • The fitness of a candidate solution can be estimated by Monte-Carlo simulations of probabilistic spread models, but the framework includes advanced graph-aware techniques such as approximations of the spread models, domain-specific initialization and mutations of candidate solutions, and node filtering

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Original software publication

An evolutionary framework for maximizing influence propagation in social networks Giovanni Iacca a,∗, Kateryna Konotopska a, Doina Bucur b, Alberto Tonda c a Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science, University of Trento, Via Sommarive 9, 38123 Povo, Trento, Italy b Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Twente, Zilverling, Hallenweg 19, 7522NH Enschede, The Netherlands c INRA, UMR 782 GMPA, Avenue Lucien Brétignières, 78850 Thiverval-Grignon, France

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