
Psoriasis is a non-contagious, inflammatory disease of the skin that results in itchy, scaly patches on different parts of the body. This disorder causes skin cells to multiply at an abnormally faster rate. The patients depict an unpredictable course of remission and relapse; winter aggravation is common. Conventional treatment involves application of topical ointments, steroids, anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive drugs. Homoeopathy is a popular alternative from of treatment in this type of skin conditions. The person is treated as a whole and a suitable constitutional remedy is prescribed, so that there is very less chance of relapse of symptoms. The patient’s general condition, mental status along with the symptoms of psoriasis is considered during finding the similimum remedy. In this case of chronic planter psoriasis an individualised homoeopathic medicine has been prescribed. A female patient suffered from painful cracks, exfoliating scales and slight itching of the soles. This condition is termed as “Planter Psoriasis”. The case came to the surgery OPD of MBHMC&H. We constructed a totality of the patient and based on that a similimum was selected after Repertorization and consultation with the Homoeopathic Materia Medica. The case was well managed with Homoeopathic medicine “Graphites”and there was no remission of symptoms in the following winter.

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