
Abstract Six types of internal anchor tags were compared for retention, legibility, and durability in tagging juvenile (age-0) striped bass Morone saxatilis. Tank-reared striped bass (120–200 mm total length) were tagged with coded wire tags and one of six types of internal anchor tags (500 fish each tag type and two groups of controls). The types of internal anchor tags used were as follows: Floy streamer FM-84 (currently in use by the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service); Floy streamer with protective sheath (modified FM-84), Floy streamer with a monofilament leader and sheath (FM-89SL), modified Hallprint T687, Hallprint monofilament IEX WAD, and Hallprint T-bar IEX NOR. The Hallprint T-bar IEX NOR and the Floy FM-84 tags caused significantly higher 2-week and 6-month mortality. Final fish total length was different among tag types and tagger groups; however, final fish size was not correlated with either variable after adjusting for initial fish size. Tags were also mounted on polyvinyl chloride pipes and...

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