
Police officers throughout the world in general and in Pakistan in a particular face a variety of pressures, which is particularly true in underdeveloped nations like Pakistan. The aim of this research was to know about mental health (MH) problems and risks as well as issues among police officers that they face during their duty in the Police Service of Pakistan, in addition to collect suggestions for workplace, wellness and interventions that would be an appropriate for police personnel. For the primary data collection, twenty five police personnel from the various ranks- were interviewed in person and over the phone from the field duty and inside police stations too. Mental health issues, health behavior, occupation, and possible positive workplace interventions were all discussed throughout the interviews from the informants. The thematic analysis strategy was employed for data analysis. Higher levels of work anxiety and stress, as well as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PSTD), and depression were noted among police personnel. Overloading, working hours, Culture of policing, and organizational changes were all mentioned as major pressures. Some of the police personnel acknowledged advances in managing and promoting mental health in their job, but they listed intrusions such as counselling, training, and workplace modifications as the necessary to tackle mental health challenges in police personnel.

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