
Monitoring and supervision in schools is a very important aspect in the educational process. The purpose of the study was to examine monitoring and supervision of curriculum delivery in the Junior High Schools in Ejisu-Juaben Municipality of Ghana. Mixed method research approach was adopted for the study. The population f or this study was made up of teachers, head-teachers and the deputy director in charge of supervision in the Ejisu-Juaben Municipality. Purp osive and convenient sampling techniques were employed to select the one-hundred and eighty-four respondents for the study. The main instruments for data collection were questionnaire and observation. The study revealed that monitoring and supervision was more or less just conformance to stipulated regulations and that teachers and head-teachers must comply without necessarily ensuring staff development to reduce limitations. The study also indicated that there is high level of impact of monitoring and supervision on Junior High Schools’ curriculum implementation in Ejisu-Juaben Municipality over the past years. It is recommended that, f or good performance, appraisal should be done at least by the end of every school term to ascertain staff performance on their j ob. It is also recommended that, for improvement of curriculum implementation, school heads should improve on; frequency coordination of all departments of the organization of visiting less on sessions, checking teachers’ less on notes, inviting teachers to observe him/her teach and checking students’ assignments, class exercises and pupils project work to ensure regular marking of exercise takes place.

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