
Understanding the physical mechanisms by which blast waves interact with their surroundings is paramount to protecting the safety of armed service personnel and equipment. This study evaluates and discusses modern technology used in blast pressure measurement as it relates to primary blast injuries such as traumatic brain injury. Factors influencing primary blast injury were established as peak overpressure, impulse, number, and frequency of shock impacts based on a literature review. A simulated confined-corridor breaching environment was used to establish the potential for variability in these key parameters depending on location in a confined blast environment. Wearable blast pressure monitors were compared experimentally to not only laboratory grade pressure transducers but also simulated and empirically modeled blast pressure and impulse predictions at scaled distances between 3.1 and $$13.6\,\hbox {m/kg}^{1/3}$$ from 100-g and 200-g suspended Composition C-4 detonations partially confined by the ground. surface ground reflection. Each measurement and predictive technique is detailed and comparatively summarized. Average deviation from the mean in collected pressure and impulse data ranged between 10 and 15%. The disparity in the measured data was lowest in the static pressure range where mild traumatic brain injury is reported to occur.

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