
Personality of software developers professionals has been a continuous element of interest in academic research. Researchers have applied different models of personality analysis in various software engineering areas to identify improvement points, to promote job satisfaction and to better organize teams. This paper aims to conduct a study, by means of an experience report, to evaluate the MBTI personality model (Myers-Briggs Type Indication) applied to software developers and to understand how human personality influences professionals' work. The experience was applied in one private university to 6 developers to measure quality of developed software by means of Object Oriented Software Metrics. Each software analyzed was developed by a single developer. Evidence was found that developers with MBTI type “INTJ” (Introvert, iNtuitive, Thinking, Judging), presented lower levels of depth of inheritance tree (DIT) and “slightly” smaller methods (LOC). As a result, it is clear that further research on the relationship between personality and object-oriented software metrics is needed.

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