
This paper brings to light efforts of male institutional leaders in the University of Education, Winneba in promoting the gender equality agenda and effects of their efforts in bridging the gender gaps in staff and students’ levels. It sheds further light on involving men in the gender mainstreaming efforts. Both primary and secondary data on gender equality and equity measures were used in this study. The study found that male Vice-Chancellors have over the years been devoted to promoting gender equality agenda in the University. The effects of their efforts are largely seen in the increase in the number of females that have benefited from the institutional mentorship and scholarship programmes, which has impacted positively on addressing the gender gaps in the University. It is recommended that new strategies be adopted in promoting gender equality agenda. These strategies include revision in gender policies to involve men as agents of change in gender mainstreaming activities; gender training for male staff and students of all levels and categories for effective gender work, offering specific trainings and interactive discussions on gender issues for men as volunteers for gender mainstreaming. The study further suggests among other things, the need to engage the university community in entertaining activities like cycling for the equality agenda to be made more real to men and court their interest to promote men’s involvement in gender work.

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