
This work has delved into an evaluation of environmental symbolism used in children’s literature in Kijiji Cha Ukame by Hamisi Babusa and Mazingira Maridadi by Rebecca Zawadi. These two books are part of children’s literature. The language used in the two books is Kiswahili and hence is part of Kiswahili literature. The authors used environmental symbolism to communicate to the young children in a language that they would understand, appreciate, and identify with it in relation to their day-to-day activities. Symbols used are more accessible for the pupils to understand and interpret. The authors have used; various colours, animals, birds, insects, and human being symbolical to communicate to the learner on the ways, significance and benefits of environmental conservation using simple language. Thus, the work examined environmental symbolism employed with the view of grasping how the various symbols were interpreted and ultimately viewed by not only children but the community at large, using a child’s lens. It is scrutiny anchored on an ecocritic lens. Some of the pillars of ecocriticism theory that steered this work are; environmental rights, environmental ethics, poor leadership and governance, death, and tradition. The importance of inculcating an environmental eco-conscious in a child at an early age during the learning process cannot be emphasised enough. This is the more reason why ecocriticism theory guided the study from a child’s perspective.

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