
The aim of the article is to present the consequences of traumatic brain injury in children, associated with general cognition and behavioural disorders, mainly of the antisocial type. A total of 20 school-age children took part in the study, including six girls and 14 boys. The average age of the children was 13.35 years (standard deviation SD = 1.95). The research instruments included an analysis of documentation, a structured clinical interview, MMSE and Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBInv) with additional set of five supplementary questions directed for detection of antisocial behavior. The research was conducted from the beginning of January 2009 until the end of May 2009. As hypothesized, the functioning of the children with traumatic brain injury is severely disrupted, because of the presence of cognitive impairment, however, dementia is not manifested. In a significant number of the children with traumatic brain injury we found not only the frontal syndrome, but also the occurrence of antisocial behaviour. The most commonly reported behavioural problems were: disorganization commonly referred to as laziness, hypersensitivity, and anxiety. The most common types of anti-social behaviour were: impulsivity, physical and verbal aggression, and also an outburst of anger. The children with traumatic brain injury suffer from a cognitive disorders and behavioural problems, especially impulsivity, physical and verbal aggression, increased anxiety, and disorganization. The occurrence of frontal syndrome is related to the development of antisocial behaviour.

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