
Aim: In design-related professional disciplines, basic design education has an efficient and effective role in terms of understanding and experiencing the design process for the students. The Basic Design course is the basic tool in the realization of the design practice as an action that develops creativity and problem solving skills. Aim: The aim of this course is to develop the skills of analysing the given problem and developing creative thinking skills in order to realize the design action, to produce a form through different methods and to reach a unique concrete result. In this context, it is aimed to reveal the design process that starts with tangible or intangible source of inspiration and reaches a creative concrete design product. Method: From this point of view, we analysed the final works of Artvin Çoruh University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Landscape Architecture students created by iconic and analogical methods, by using DOMINANCE -UNITY and BALANCE principles one of the basic design principles explained to the students within the scope of Basic Design-I course. Results: As a result, at the end of the semester, it was observed that most of the students were successful in the course, and it was understood that the product they produced increased their motivation to research, questioning, problem solving and producing original products via questionnaire. Conclusion: It is thought that the iconic and analogical methods used in this study in the form generation process contribute to the students' production of original designs, and these methods will also be useful in revealing original designs in all design-related courses, especially in project courses.

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