
This study reports on the preliminary results of an ethnoarchaeological project and presents direct evidence for the use of log, that is, circular domestic installations. It, therefore, helps to better identify, understand and interpret such archaeological evidence. This study is based on ethnoarchaeological research in rural households in the Iranian Sistanian highlands. The conceptual framework of this research is based on ethnography and archaeology, which includes theoretical and methodological aspects of comparing ethnographic and archaeological data. The work is based in Bent; a small region located about 20 km northwest of Nikshahr in southcentral Sistan, Iran. Research focuses on various aspects of traditional building styles to identify and interpret the nature and development of the architecture of the ancient sedentary community in this part of Iran. Fieldwork includes archaeological surveys, interviews and direct ethnographic observations to document the log, utilizing circular domestic architecture to examine these activities in archaeological assemblages in the area.

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