
In recent years, counterfeit products have played an important role in the product making industry. It has also affected the company's brand, sales, and profits. Blockchain technology is now being used to identify authentic products and detect counterfeits. Blockchain is a distributed, expanded, digital book that stores business data as blocks in multiple archives linked by chains. No block can be changed or modified because blockchain technology is secure. Customers or users who use the blockchain technology does not have to be depend on mediator to ensure product security of the system. Counterfeit products can be effectively combated using serial numbers which is assigned to the product uniquely. With emerging Blockchain technology trends in this project. As a result, this system can be used to store product information as well as generate distinct product codes for items such as blocks. It generates a unique code for the user and matches it to the Blockchain network. If the input matches, the customer will be notified; if the input does not match, the customer will be notified that the product is counterfeit.

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