
THIS is an essay of 150 pages by a thoroughgoing “spiritualist,” according to the most “modern” signification of the term. As such it is not a book very easy to review in the pages of a periodical devoted to the consideration of modern science. Whether or not spiritualism has any basis of truth, it is certain that a genuine belief, if not in spiritual agency, at least in the occurrence of certain weird and inexplicable phenomena, has of late years spread with extraordinary rapidity, and now includes among its avowed supporters some distinguished scientific men of the day. The estimate that a reader will form concerning the merits of the essay will depend chiefly on his attitude of mind concerning its subject. For “J. P. B.” assumes the genuineness of so-called spiritual manifestations, his thesis being that granting, future state and the reality of spiritual communications, these communications invariably teach a doctrine which is in harmony with—or rather analogous to-the doctrine of organic evolution; they teach that gradual development is the law of spiritual life after death as it is the law of bodily life before death. We feel that our function as reviewers ends, when we say that in all his statements of and references to the facts of physical science the essayist is accurate. These statements and references appear, indeed, to us more numerous than the treatment of his subject requires; but if so they at all events serve to show, what perhaps they are intended to show, that “J. P. B.” is an intelligent man, who, while prosecuring his spiritual studies—whether in the body or out of the body we do not know—still keeps his eyes open to what is going on ia the lower world around him.

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