
This research aims to identify the types of students’ errors in using prepositional place in the descriptive text made by eighth grade (8) students to identify the cause of errors made by students in using prepositional place. That most of the students did not pay attention to use prepositional correctly in a sentence. This research is qualitative research. The research object shows four types of the error made by students, omission, addition, misordering, and misformation. Based on the data, the frequency of students' error in using prepositional place mainly occurred in prepositional in place in 35 errors. The second is prepositional on with 14 errors. The third is the prepositional place at with 12 errors.


  • This research aims to identify the types of students’ errors in using prepositional place in the descriptive text made by eighth grade (8) students to identify the cause of errors made by students in using prepositional place

  • The subjects of this research were the students in the eighth grade of MTS Al-Jumhuriyah North Sumatera. 3.1 Research Design In this research, the writer uses descriptive qualitative research

  • The researcher found that the students of VIII-2 felt confused to understand using prepositional place because they did not know the meaning of the words

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This research aims to identify the types of students’ errors in using prepositional place in the descriptive text made by eighth grade (8) students to identify the cause of errors made by students in using prepositional place. We are able to express our feelings, our thoughts, and our experiences with others.” (Zubaidah, 2015, p.21). It means that language is a means of human effort to carry out their activities. Writing is one of the skills that is considered to have an essential significance in the second language (L2) learning because it serves as both a tool for communication and a means of learning, thinking, and organizing knowledge or ideas.” (Fithriani, 2008). Based on the previous explanation, it can be concluded that writing is critical because students can express their ideas, thought, and arguments through a sentence. Error conducted by students mainly about prepositions

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