
A simple analytical model based on the transmission-matrix approach is proposed for equivalent wire-medium (WM) interfaces. The obtained ABCD matrices for equivalent interfaces capture the non-local effects due to the evanescent transverse magnetic (TM) WM mode and in part due to the propagating transverse electromagnetic (TEM) WM mode. This enables one to characterize the overall response of bounded WM structures by cascading the ABCD matrices of equivalent WM interfaces and WM slabs as transmission lines supporting only the propagating TEM WM mode, resulting in a simple circuit-model formalism for bounded WM structures with arbitrary terminations, including the open-end, patch/slot arrays, and thin metal/2D material, among others. The individual ABCD matrices for equivalent WM interfaces apparently violate the conservation of energy and reciprocity, and therefore, the equivalent interfaces apparently behave as non-reciprocal lossy or active systems. However, the overall response of a bounded WM structure is consistent with the lossless property maintaining the conservation of energy and reciprocity. These unusual features are explained by the fact that in the non-local WM the Poynting vector has an additional correction term which takes into account a "hidden power" due to non-local effects. Results are obtained for various numerical examples demonstrating a rapid and efficient solution for bounded WM structures, including the case of geometrically complex multilayer configurations with arbitrary terminations, subject to the condition that WM interfaces are decoupled by the evanescent TM WM mode below the plasma frequency.

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