
Abstract Extract Bovine leptospirosis is a disease of major importance in New Zealand and is widespread in dairy cattle, in the North Island. Recent surveys have shown an increasing incidence of leptospiral abortion in dairy cattle (Cagienard, 1973) and Leptospira interrogans serotypes copenhageni and ballum have been isolated from, apparently healthy calves (Ris et al., 1973). The disease is an important occupational hazard of the dairy farmer, and the incidence of the disease in man in New Zealand is considerably higher than in any other country for which vital statistics are available. In 1971, 860 human cases were notified in New Zealand (Anon., 1972) with a population of less than three million compared with 60 cases from the U.K. in 1972 with a population approaching 60 million (Anon., 1973).

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