
This epidemiologic study examined the relationship between postural discrepancies in the posterior plane and the subsequent development of back and neck pain. The study population comprised women who were members of the graduating classes of 1957, 1958, and 1959 of an eastern U.S. women's college. Information on postural asymmetry was gathered from two sources: (1) measurements made from posture pictures taken early in the freshman year of college and obtained from each woman in the study, and (2) subjective evaluations made by the physical education department faculty at the time of examination. Information on the development of back and neck disorders and associated risk factors during the subsequent 25 years was obtained by a postal questionnaire. Three parameters of postural asymmetry were examined from the posture picture measurements: elevation of one shoulder, elevation of one hip, and deviation of the spine from the midline of the body. None of these parameters nor the physical education department evaluations was associated with a subsequent report of low-back pain, mid-back pain, or neck pain.

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