
We propose a mathematical model for cholera with treatment through quarantine. The model is shown to be both epidemiologically and mathematically well posed. In particular, we prove that all solutions of the model are positive and bounded; and that every solution with initial conditions in a certain meaningful set remains in that set for all time. The existence of unique disease-free and endemic equilibrium points is proved and the basic reproduction number is computed. Then, we study the local asymptotic stability of these equilibrium points. An optimal control problem is proposed and analyzed, whose goal is to obtain a successful treatment through quarantine. We provide the optimal quarantine strategy for the minimization of the number of infectious individuals and bacteria concentration, as well as the costs associated with the quarantine. Finally, a numerical simulation of the cholera outbreak in the Department of Artibonite (Haiti), in 2010, is carried out, illustrating the usefulness of the model and its analysis.

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