
Medical image segmentation is a challenging task owing to its aliasing artifacts, existence of mixed pixels, interference of noise and blurring effect, etc. The brain and the spinal cord together constitute the Central Nervous System (CNS), with the brain being the most complex component. Brain segmentation is crucial for surgical planning, disease detection, and therapeutic interventions. A unique entropy based soft clustering approach (EMT2FCM) for the brain MRI imaging on both real and simulated datasets is proposed in this paper. This paper presents a refined version of the type-2 Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) technique (EMT2FCM) for isolating diverse tissues in Magnetic Resonance (MR) brain images, achieved through an enhanced entropy-based membership function. Difficulty in edge detection occurs due to the vagueness caused by mixed pixels. To overcome the problem with mixed pixels a new membership function proposal has been given. EMT2FCM, i.e., fuzzy membership function with Shannon's entropy-based variation, is able to handle uncertainty and vagueness in images offered by mixed pixels, by implementing new distance criteria modification for the calculation of optimum cluster. The approach has been validated using datasets from BRAINWEB (simulated) and IBSR (real-life). Following the deployment of our new algorithm, we assessed its performance using six observation criteria. The results demonstrated significant improvements in clustering performance, as evidenced by enhanced Mean Squared Error (MSE), Dice Index, and Jaccard Index, Accuracy, Sensitivity and Partition Indices validation measures. The evaluation of EMT2FCM in comparison to other state-of-the-art methods is established to reduce segmentation errors significantly.

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