
When I speak of an enigma, I adhere to its definition; the one given by the RAE (Royal Spanish Academy), which means: a statement whose meaning is artificially concealed to make it difficult to understand or interpret. Homeopathy (pathos=disease, homoios=similar); was created by the German Doctor Samuel Hahnemann in 1796. He was a man with a restless spirit and deeply dissatisfied with late 18th century medicine. After multiple verifications, Hahnemann creates the law that supports the homeopathic doctrine, the Law of Similars. It states that: ‘‘in order to cure a given illness, a remedy must be taken which, when administered to a healthy subject, will cause illnesses ‘and if it is capable of making one sick, it is also capable of curing. This principle of dilution accompanies the Law of Similars [1].

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