
Routing protocols for Mobile social networks (MSN) provides the best performance of high delivery ratio and lower delivery delays when used with mobility models that simulate real life human activities. One of the well-known social mobility model in recent literature is the Working Day Movement model. This model simulates human mobility based on person daily behavior and working activities. A person stays at home at night, wakes up in the morning, and then joins his work office. After office hours, he may go back to home or join some evening activities like visiting or shopping. In this research, we developed a new social based mobility model, named Enhanced Social Based mobility model (ESBM). The model is built by adding several new social based sub-models to the Working Day Movement model. These include: an intra-office meeting, inter-office meeting sub-models and a free social activity sub-model that allows the moving person to join social activities at any time of the day. Also, more flexibility is allowed to mobile node in switching node status between its various movement sub models. The new ESBM is tested by simulation when used with various legacy routing protocols. We also compared the routing performance measures of ESBM with the working day movement model and the random way point movement model. The simulation results proved the merits of the design of ESBM when applied in mobile social networks, as it results a higher message delivery ratio and a lower average delay, compared to all other mobility models.

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