
Beamforming-based signal enhancement technologies in passive sonar array processing often have poor performance due to array distortion caused by rapid tactical maneuvers of the towed platform, oceanic currents, hydrodynamic effects, etc. In this paper, an enhanced data-driven shape array estimation formulation is proposed using passive underwater acoustic data. Beamforming based on a hypothetically ideal array is firstly employed to perform the detection of narrow-band components from sources of opportunity, and the corresponding phases of these detected narrow-band components are subsequently extracted to acquire time-delay differences. Then, a weighted outlier-robust Kalman smoother is proposed to acquire enhanced estimates of the time-delay differences, since the underlying properties of slowly changing time-delay differences in the hydrophone array and diverse signal to interference and noise ratios in multiple narrow-band components are explored; and its Cramer–Rao Lower Bound is also provided. Finally, the hydrophone array shape is estimated based on the estimated time delay differences. The proposed formulation fully exploits directional radiated noise signals from distant underwater acoustic targets as sources of opportunity for real-time array shape estimation, and thus it requires neither the number nor direction of sources to be known in advance. The effectiveness of the proposed method is validated in simulations and real experimental data.


  • Hydrophone arrays are widely used in underwater acoustics to perform direction-ofarrival (DOA) estimation and beamforming-based signal enhancement in the passive sonar system

  • The proposed formulation fully exploits the directional radiated noise source signals as sources of opportunity for real-time array shape estimation, and it requires neither the number nor direction of sources to be known in advance

  • We focus on the performance comparison versus diverse signal to interference and noise ratios (SINR)

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Method Using Passive Underwater

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Organization and Notation
Underwater Acoustic Radiated Noise Model in the Distorted Array
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Performance Bound Analysis
Simulations and Experiments
Variance Estimates of Time-Delay Difference
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Performance Comparison versus SINR
Experiments in Lake Trial Data
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