
in these parts of late. This has been a great cyder year with us. We finished our grinding this day, & I have made 87 barrels from off my farm. It was sold very cheap in town for 5 i-stg a barrel, but I dispose of none. I have about 8oo apple trees. We raise a great deal of garden stuff, 8c last year I built a green house for my winter store so that we have plenty during the winter. About a month ago Mrs H & I returned from a tour we made to Montreal Sc Quebec, which to the surprize of everybody here we perform'd in less than 8 weeks.82 We travelled by land Sc water 1380 miles, Sc went to Lake George in our own post chaise through Woods over Rocks and Mountains unbent by coach or chaise before. We were seven days on Lake Champlain in going & six in returning, in the latter we were in an open Batteau, one night we slept in the Woods without any covering but the Boats sails, & four nights we lay on the floor in Log houses. However, we surmounted all our difficulties, Sc returned to our family in good health & spirits fully satisfied with our domestic comforts not having found any habitation more agreeable than our own, however Canada is a fine country very well settled from Montreal to Quebec, & rich in its produce of wheat, but the people are ignorant, indolent & dirty, yet simple in their manners, chearful & happy. Mrs. H & my Sister desire to join with me in presenting our best respects to you & Mrs. N. & I remain with great regard Dr Sir &c H. H.

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