
AbstractIn the systems of industrial robotics and autonomous vehicles, instance segmentation is widely employed. However, manually labelling an object outline is time‐consuming. In order to reduce annotation costs, we present a weakly supervised instance segmentation method in this article. A deeply convolutional network is first used to construct multi‐scale feature maps for each object in the input image. After that, the encoder‐decoder framework with dynamic convolution is utilised to enhance model capacity and efficiency, while avoiding the issues of anchor design, proposal selection, and RoIAlign implementation. In particular, Dynamic Heads are used in the encoder to create dynamic convolution kernels, while Instance Heads are used in the decoder to provide the global feature map. With dynamic convolution, each instance can be segmented independently, reducing interference with other instances and improving segmentation accuracy. Under the supervision of projection loss and pixel point colour pairing loss, the contours of each object are finally outlined. On the PASCAL VOC and MS COCO datasets, the proposed method is competitive with more sophisticated approaches. In the VOC dataset, segmentation performance achieved 37.6% average precision with ResNet‐101 and FPN networks. The extensively visualised results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed encoder‐decoder framework with dynamic convolution.

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