
India is a young, human-resources-rich nation. With regard to our country’s economic growth, India continues tolag behind due to various issues such as homelessness, unemployment, analphabetism, infrastructure for medicalcare, etc. Youth play a crucial role in the country’s economic growth. The Green Skill Development Programme(GSDP) of the Ministry of Environment, Forests, and Climate Change (MoEF and CC) is an environmental andforestry skills development initiative to encourage young people in India to procure employment and/or self-employment. The system aims to develop long-term workers who are technically skilled and committed tosustainability. In June 2017, the GSDP pilot project was launched. In the current situation, it has been discoveredthat the majority of young people being trained face a severe labor shortage due to a lack of skills and technicalknowledge. Most of them do not know what is happening with today’s technology. Attempts to supply sustainabilityskills are made through the GSDP, which are also known as “green skills.” These are the skill sets, expertise, values,and attitudes that the workers need to develop and foster sustainable social, ecological, and economic conditionsin business, industry, and the community. Such companies favor workers who possess green skills to achieve theirmission. In this study, an effort is made to define the primary green skills sought by the green sector, determine howsuccessful the GSDPs have been, and identify the foremost challenges experienced by the youth in participatingin the government-sponsored GSDPs.

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