
A study was carried out in Tamil Nadu to examine the extent of yield gap in seed cotton. The study used data from 180 farmers in the State. The purpose of the study was to implement a framework that measures the relative yield of seed cotton produced in the study area. A multiple regression model was used to analyse the determinants of yield gap and the results showed that potash gap had a statistically significant but negative effect on yield while nitrogen had a statistically significant and positive effect. Total yield gap in Bt cotton (1658 kg/ha) was significantly higher than that of conventional cotton (594 kg/ha). Thus, there was considerable scope for improvement in the use of Bt technology since the farmers were yet to fully harness the proposed benefits of this genetically modified crop. Further analysis showed that the yield gap in various districts of the state were significantly different. It was inferred from the results that increased application of nitrogen increased yield but increased usage of potash had diminishing effects, while the applying of more labour and insecticides increased yield. It is suggested that there should be intensified effort on the sensitization of farmers about the detrimental effects of using inputs in excess.

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