
Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) is a process in which for a given query image similar images will be retrieved based on the image content similarity. Image content refers to its visual features, which are mathematical representations of a digital image. The image retrieval task primarily depends on image feature extraction and similarity measurement between the feature vectors. The performance of CBIR process not only decided by the optimum features extracted from the image but also on the proper choice of the similarity/dissimilarity measures (distance metrics). As the image features broadly diversified in terms of color, texture and shape based, using the same distance metric may not work well for all of these features. In this paper, first we presented overview of geometric and statistical distance metrics used in CBIR along with the comparative analysis of these measures on color and texture features. Color features extracted by computing color histograms in HSV space and texture features by wavelet decompositions. Geometrical distances such as Manhattan, Chebyshev, Euclidean, statistical distance metrics such as Cosine Similarity, Chi-square, KullbackLeibler, Jeffrey and cumulative statistical distance metrics of Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Cramer von Mises and Earthmover's distances were analyzed for feature similarity. We gave certain conclusions on the performance of all these distance metrics in terms of Mean Average Precision (MAP) and Recall rates with color and texture features respectively.

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