
An approximate anisotropic intermolecular potential for the interaction of CF 4 with He is developed by simultaneously fitting the Exponential Morse-Morse-Morse-Spline-van der Waals (EM3SV) potential form to high energy beam results, interaction pressure virial coefficients, diffusion coefficients, mixture viscosity and thermal conductivity. The collision-induced absorption spectrum of this system at 213 K has been calculated using the empirical models of the induced dipole moment and the interaction potential. Theoretical zeroth, first and second moments of this spectrum using various models for the induced dipole moment and interatomic potential are compared to the experimental values. Also, with this potential and with a suitable model for the anisotropy, the lineshape calculations have been used to predict a reasonable experimental spectrum of the induced light scattering. The results show that these models of the potential, the induced dipole moment and the induced anisotropy are the most accurate models reported to date for this mixture.

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