
With increasing dynamicity in customer's tastes and preferences, firms are finding a tough time to sustain their positions in the market. Further newer technologies in every sphere are increasing the competition gradually. Therefore, firm operations have also become all the more global and more prone to increasing uncertainties. In this backdrop, supply chain agility helps a firm to sustain its competitive edge through fulfilling its customer's requirements in a speedy manner. Therefore, supply chain agility is a dominant supply chain capability that deserved special attention and investigation. Many theoretical lenses have been used for investigating different attributes of this essential supply chain capability. The current study adds to the growing literature by using a social exchange perspective on the development of supply chain agility through integrated logistics capabilities and its impact on firm performance. Specifically, the study explores the role of trust, commitment, reciprocity and power under social exchange theory in influencing integrated logistics capabilities and supply chain agility. Data collected from 177 logistics and supply chain professionals largely support the proposed relationships.

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