
Many people spend the majority of their lives at work, thus the notion of job happiness is takenextremely seriously by all sorts of businesses. Job satisfaction is defined as a person's contentmentwith his or her work, which serves as a driving factor behind his or her efforts. Researchers conductedthis study to find out how happy faculty members at Kakatiya University-affiliated aided colleges are withtheir jobs, as well as association among job contentment besides demographic factors like era, gender,experience in addition to discipline. They also looked at how happy faculty members were with their jobsin relation to factors like motivation and health and safety. To gather the data for this research, 180faculty members from aided institutions connected with Kakatiya University in Kakatiya, Telangana(India), representing five different districts (Warangal, Karimnagar, Nizamabad, Adilabad andRangareddy), self-administered a five-point Likert scale questionnaire. A variety of statistical tests andanalyses were used to determine the data's significance. Faculty members at aided institutions report amodest level of overall satisfaction, according to the data shown below. The faculties of women arehappier than the faculties of men. Age, experience, discipline, and marital status all affect overallpleasure. Hygiene elements have a stronger influence on employee work satisfaction than motivatingvariables.

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