
Sentiment analysis (SA), and emotion detection and recognition from text (EDRT) are recent areas of study that are closely related to each other. Sentiment analysis strives to identify and detect neutral, positive, or negative feelings from text. On the other hand, emotion analysis seeks to identify and distinguish types of feelings such as happiness, surprise, grief, disgust, fear, and anger through the expression of texts. We suggest a four-level strategy in this paper for recommending the best book to users. The levels include semantic network grouping of comparable sentences, sentiment analysis, reviewer clustering, and recommendation system. The semantic network groups comparable sentences at the first level utilizing pre-processed data from reviewer and book datasets using the parts of speech (POS) tagger. In order to extract keywords from the pre-processed data, feature extraction uses the bag of words (BOW) and term frequency-inverse document frequency (TF-IDF) approaches. SA is performed at the second level in two phases: training and testing, employing deep learning methodologies such as convolutional neural networks (CNN)-long short-term memory (LSTM). The results of this level are sent into the third level (clustering), which uses the clustering method to group the reviewers by age, location, and gender. In the last level, the model assessment is carried out with accuracy, precision, recall, sensitivity, specificity, G-mean, and F1-measure. The book suggestion system is designed to provide the highest level of accuracy within a minimum number of epochs when compared to the state-of-the methods, SVM, CNN, ANN, LSTM, and Bi-directional (BI)-LSTM.

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