
We set out to decompose the EMG signal into its constituent motor unit action potential components to track motor unit firing rates with a high degree of accuracy and extract their average firing rate. We were able to show that this average firing rate tracks the subject's force trajectory from beginning to end. We propose that this average firing rate is a volitional control signal pointing to the existence of a ‘volitional unit’. This volitional unit has to do with the projection of a group of functionally related cortico-motoneurons on a group of spinal motoneurons in the motoneuronal pool of a muscle. Our study of motor unit firing patterns during their steady state showed that spinal motoneurons respond to a descending central input in a Gaussian manner. We have further shown that the central drive itself, as represented by the average firing rate of the active motor units, also displays a Gaussian firing behavior. We have also described the existence of a ‘translation factor’, highly correlated to the motor unit size, which is unique to each spinal motoneuron and determines the motoneuronal response, and its resulting firing rate, to the descending inputs. As for force generation, we have shown that expressing the twitch force of a motor unit in a dynamic fashion using the ‘electrotwitch’ concept of firing rate × macro area, approximates motor unit force output better and accounts for firing rate related force changes more effectively than force estimates based on the mechanical twitch.

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