
Abstract The glycoprotein hexose in the sera of patients having an electrophoretically homogeneous globulin fraction was studied by paper electrophoresis. The largest diagnostic category was multiple myeloma, but also included were cases of macroglobulinemia, primary systemic amyloidosis, lymphoma, collagen vascular disease, liver disease, and other conditions. The hexose contents of the pathologic globulin fractions were compared; only in the macroglobulins was this value of diagnostic significance, consistently averaging more than 3 times that in normal gamma globulin. In myeloma globulins there was a relationship between the hexose content and the electrophoretic mobility, with only an occasional value approaching the macroglobulin range in the faster electrophoretic mobilities. It is shown that paper electrophoresis and the PAS staining technic, in conjunction with protein staining on a duplicate sample of serum, constitute a useful screening test for detection of increased concentration of macroglobulin in serum in a large percentage of cases of "hypergammaglobulinemia." Gel electrophoresis, immunologic typing, and ultracentrifugation studies then can be used for further elucidation of the type of abnormality present.

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