
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration mandates that mercuryinglass thermometers be used as the standardtemperature reference in canning and aseptic processing systems used to sterilize foods. To actively incorporate such devicesinto an automatic control system, an electronic method to monitor the temperature as indicated by a mercuryinglassthermometer was investigated. An indirect temperature measurement device based on the principle of a combination of aparallelplate and a coaxial capacitor in conjunction with a mercuryinglass canners thermometer was developed. Thechange in capacitance with varying levels of mercury was measured from two copper plates attached to the glass sides of thethermometer. The level of the mercury inside the MIG thermometer was reflected in a change of the total capacitance of theexperimental sensor. A linear regression analysis of the experimental data demonstrated the linear relationship between thetotal capacitance and the level of the mercury column. For the temperature range of 71.1 to 93.3C (160 to 200F),capacitance of the experimental sensor ranged from 34.9 to 36.9 pF. Precision of the device was determined to be 0.09 pF/C(0.05 pF/F).

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