
In an electronic jamming system, the ability to adequately perceive information determines the effectiveness of an electronic countermeasures strategy. This paper proposes a new method based on the combination of a multi-agent electronic jammer and an information sharing mechanism. With the development of intelligent technology and deep learning, these technologies have been applied in electronic countermeasure game systems. Introducing intelligent technology into the electronic confrontation system can greatly improve decision-making efficiency. At the same time, a multi-agent electronic countermeasure cooperative system based on the information sharing method can break through the limited information perception capabilities of a single agent, thereby greatly improving the survivability of jamming systems in electronic warfare. Experimental results show that our method requires a lower jamming-to-signal ratio than the single jammer method to achieve effective electronic jamming. In addition, the electronic jamming parameters can be updated automatically as the external electromagnetic environment changes quickly, realizing a more intelligent electronic jamming system.

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