
The phases of mitosis were examined in the columnar cells at the base of duodenal crypts in adult male mice given an intravenous injection of 3H-thymidine and sacrificed 20 min later. The duodenum was fixed by immersion into glutaraldehyde-formaldehyde, and the cells were examined in the electron microscope, with or without processing for radioautography. Interphase nuclei are characterized by the distribution of chromatin; aside from the cortical chromatin spread along nuclear envelope and nucleolus, there are chromatin accumulations that belong mainly in two different classes: 1) numerous chromatin "specks" ranging in size from about 5 to 70 nm and averaging 47 nm; 2) a few roughly circular or elongated chromatin "packets" measuring from 70 to 230 nm. Early prophase nuclei differ mainly by a large increase in the number of chromatin packets to 20-30 or more per nuclear profile; their average diameter is 128 nm. During mid-prophase, the chromatin packets enlarge gradually to an average 221 nm diameter. Between mid- and late prophase, there is a further increase in diameter to 679 nm. At metaphase, the packets take on the appearance of mature chromosomes, and their diameter increases to 767 nm. At anaphase, daughter chromosomes migrate to each pole, where they fuse into a compact chromatin mass. At telophase, nucleoplasmic areas progressively enlarge within the chromatin mass and separate strands of chromatin, which gradually become segmented into chromatin clumps. Counts of mitotic cells show a high proportion of prophase and telophase nuclei. Calculation from the counts yields the duration of the phases, that is, 5.6, 0.2, 0.1, and 1.6 hr, respectively, for pro-, meta-, ana-, and telophase. Finally, radioautography 20 min after 3H-thymidine injection shows labeling in 54% of the interphase nuclei, 85% of early prophase nuclei, and 73% of mid-prophase nuclei, while there is no label in late prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase nuclei. In confirmation of previous light microscopic work, the S stage of the cycle begins when a cell is in interphase and continues through the early prophase and part of mid-prophase. Moreover, the main sites of DNA synthesis are the chromatin specks during interphase and the cortical chromatin during early and mid-prophase. The chromosome condensation taking place in the meantime may be separated into two main steps: 1) a slow, moderate condensation of the chromatin packets during early and mid-prophase and 2) a rapid, pronounced one during late prophase and prometaphase when the packets become chromosomes.

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