
The Museum of El-Salaam School was known as Faculty of Americans and located nearAssiut University in Assiut governorate, about 380 Km south of Cairo. The Museum consistsof two large rooms; the first room includes Pottery vessels, Oil lamps, Ushabti, Funerarycones, Canopic jars, Wooden and Basalt statues, Funerary steals, Soul houses, Glass waresand wooden bolt-lock. The second room includes Coffins, Psalms of David and Mummifiedanimals. The contents of the museum came from the excavation of Petrie at Rifeh, as adonation to the museum by Sayed Pasha Khashaba(a). The finds are exhibited within oldwooden display-windows and labeled with two numbers, the Petrie's excavation number, andthe Ministry of Antiquities' recording number. The display-windows are arranged spatially inalphabetical ordering, A, B, C, D, etc. The displayed pottery finds are the dominant featureamong the Museum's collection, which date back to different Egyptian historical periods.

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