
The image orientation change (IOC) of an object following its reflection by a system comprising an arbitrary number of flat boundary surfaces can be described using a merit function (Γ) expressed in the form of a 3×3 matrix. The present study proposes a design methodology for stable-IOC reflector and prism systems in which the merit function is solved using an eigenvalue-based approach. It is shown that a reflector system remains IOC-stable following its rotation about the eigenvector of the IOC merit function, provided that the image can still physically enter the system’s aperture. Furthermore, it is shown that an IOC-stable prism can be obtained by adding two refracting flat boundary surfaces at the entrance and exit positions of the light ray in an optical system comprising multiple reflectors provided that the condition nn=Γn1 is maintained. Illustrative examples are provided to demonstrate the validity of the proposed design approach.

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