
AbstractThe present focus of e-government on one-stop shop applications is justified as a medium goal but does not take into account the importance of proper interfaces for decision makers. More and more information has to be assessed and approved by decision makers where instruments of easy access, selection, structured representation and data analysis are still missing. The support provided by the chief secretary has to be (partly) supplemented by a new decision-making interface. This paper contains a sketchy analysis of this need and gives directions for future research. Main elements of such electronic assistants are the index and related support features, a structured knowledge representation and data mining. Such specified interfaces may greatly improve the acceptance of the new IT environment for decision makers.KeywordsDecision MakerData MiningPublic AdministrationBusiness Process ManagementSupport Decision MakerThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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