
Multi-finger robotic hands are the main robotic invention for providing assistive movement therapy in hand rehabilitation. In this paper, the concept of task priority is adopted in order to solve the redundancy resolution of a robotic hand. The redundancy parameter has been used to design the inverse kinematic model in order to determine the joint angles when the finger moves to perform the initial subtask of tracing the desired trajectory while considering the secondary subtask of increasing the instantaneous manipulability. Five different human subjects performed the experimentation where the index finger and thumb are allowed to follow the three desired motion trajectories. Markers are placed on the finger joints in order to track the motion and obtain the finger joint angles. Further, the experimental joint angles are compared with those obtained from inverse kinematics. The index finger and thumb behaviour is analysed based on the redundancy resolution scheme. It has been observed that the optimized root-mean-square error remains insignificant of the different subjects performing the motion and the type of motion trajectories adopted for the index finger as well as the thumb. Thereafter, the proposed scheme is applied to a four-finger tendon-actuated robotic hand and it has been observed that the scheme can be applied to solve the redundancies of any robotic hand.

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