
We provide an efficiently computable characterization of two important properties describing stable and unstable complex behaviours as equicontinuity and sensitivity to the initial conditions for one-dimensional linear cellular automata (LCA) over (Z/mZ)n. We stress that the setting of LCA over (Z/mZ)n with n>1 is more expressive, it gives rise to much more complex dynamics, and it is more difficult to deal with than the already investigated case n=1. Indeed, in order to get our result we need to prove a nontrivial result of abstract algebra: if K is any finite commutative ring and L is any K-algebra, then for every pair A, B of n×n matrices over L having the same characteristic polynomial, it holds that the set {A0,A1,A2,…} is finite if and only if the set {B0,B1,B2,…} is finite too.

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