
The paper proposes an efficient wave method for simulating the propagation of impulsive signals in hydroacoustic waveguides of the sea shelf. The method of normal modes calculates the acoustic field in a wide frequency band. Then the inverse Fourier transform of the acoustic field is performed and the impulse response of the waveguide is restored. The signal replica is then calculated as a convolution of the impulse response and the signal. The advantages of this approach are as follows. Convolution is cyclical – there are no restrictions on the duration of the signal. Not only calculated, but also experimentally determined impulse response can be used. At the discretion of the researcher, the fields of individual modes can be excluded, add noise in the frequency or time domain, simulate the movement of the source, the impact of wind waves. Restriction - conditions for uniformity of the waveguide along the distance. A number of examples are considered, in which the possibility of determining the acoustic properties of the bottom is studied.

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