
Edge detection is a fundamental process in image processing with significant implications across multiple domains. Within the realm of object detection, the accurate delineation of image perimeters forms the bedrock for subsequent analysis. In this study, we present an optimized Laplacian Edge Detection algorithm tailored for efficient implementation in hardware.Leveraging approximation methodologies and strategic pipelining, we streamline complex operations, thereby reducing latency and resource consumption. Our implementation, realized through the Verilog Hardware Description Language (VHDL), stands as a testament to the efficacy of our approach. Through rigorous optimization and meticulous comparison with conventional Sobel edge detection, we demonstrate superior performance metrics, including enhanced Area utilization, reduced Time Delay, and improved Power Efficiency. This work underscores the importance of methodological refinement and technological innovation in advancing edge detection techniques for practical applications. Keywords: Laplacian, Sobel, Kernel, Pixel range, Area, Power

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