
AbstractMalicious organizations deploy numerous RFID readers in a partial region with low cost to gain superiority therefore its readers may perform attacks and other conspirators generate false reports to cover such malicious events. In this paper, we first introduce a simple game approach which only achieves Bayes equilibrium in a regular network between combined report readers and a detecting reader, then in the attacker dominated network, we propose an improved cooperative game where detecting nodes cooperate to evaluate trust of an unknown node from its organization reputation, the node’s prior trust and utility function is updated according to a reference report, therefore malicious node weights are reduced meanwhile a new Bayes equilibrium is achieved. The simulations show that the cooperative game improves successful deduction rate and decreases forged reports significantly.KeywordsCooperative GameMalicious NodeSimple GameRegular NetworkSignaling GameThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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