
Smart cities or Smart societies require Internet of Things (IoT), for connecting numerous devices to enormous asset pools in cloud computing. This coordination of embedded tools plus cloud servers conveys the extensive applicability of IoT in Smart Cities. However, authentication and data protection, play a major job in secure coordination of these two technologies. Considering this, in 2017, Chang et al.s system introduced famous verification system dependent on an elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) for IoT plus cloud servers for Smart Cities and guaranteed that it fulfills need of security protocols and is safe to different sorts of assaults. Nevertheless, in this paper, we demonstrate that Chang et.al. system is defenseless to a privileged insider intrusion, server impersonation intrusion, known session-specific information intrusion and offline password guessing intrusion. In addition, it does not accomplish device anonymity and mutual authentication. Considering this weakness of existing system, we propose an authentication system dependent on ECC for IoT and cloud servers in Smart Cities. The suggested system accomplishes mutual authentication and supports fundamental safety necessities. The informal security examination, performance analysis and contrast of the suggested system with existing systems prove that the suggested method is powerful, effective and stout as a counter to manifold security threats faced by Smart Cities. The formal confirmation of the suggested procedure is performed by AVISPA tools, which affirms its safety strength within the sight of a conceivable invader.

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