
In this paper we present an algorithm for hidden surface removal for a class of polyhedral surfaces which have a property that they can be ordered relatively quickly like the terrain maps. A distinguishing feature of this algorithm is that its running time is sensitive to the actual size of the visible image rather than the total number of intersections in the image plane which can be much larger than the visible image. The time complexity of this algorithm is O((k +n)lognloglogn) where n and k are respectively the input and the output sizes. Thus, in a significant number of situations this will be faster than the worst case optimal algorithms which have running time O(n2) irrespective of the output size (where as the output size k is O(n2) only in the worst case). We also present a parallel algorithm based on a similar approach which runs in time O(log4(n+k)) using O((n + k)/log(n+k)) processors in a CREW PRAM model. All our bounds are obtained using ammortized analysis.

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