
The Active Mount (AM) controls the vibrations caused by the movement of a mechanical system resting on top of it. Vibration caused by mechanical systems often consists of several dominant frequency components. Therefore, we need an adaptive algorithm controlling tonal vibration components effectively. The FxLMS algorithm widely used for active vibration control raises several issues as the tone number and control channel increase. This paper proposes an efficient narrowband FxLMS algorithm for controlling multiple tonal vibrations occurring in a 3-axis AM. To this end, the secondary path's magnitude and phase responses are modeled tone-by-tone, independently using two-tap filters. Narrowband control filters are constructed for each tone using a narrowband signal model. In addition, a reference sensor is mounted on top of AM, from which tonal references are estimated using adaptive notch filters (ANFs). The proposed algorithm was simulated using transfer functions obtained in a 3-axis AM. Results show that the proposed algorithm effectively controls multiple tonal components by minimizing total errors measured along the 3-axis.

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