
Multimodal biometric face recognition using speech signal has engrossed much attention and has been applied in various domains primarily for surveillance, security & access control and law enforcement. In recent years much advancement have been made in face recognition techniques to cater to the challenges such as pose, expression, illumination, aging and disguise. However, due to advances in technology, there are new emerging challenges for which the performance of face recognition systems degrades and plastic/cosmetic surgery is one of them. In this paper we comment on the effect of plastic surgery face image in multimodal biometric face recognition using speech signal. Speaker identity is correlated with the physiological and behavioral characteristics of the speaker. These characteristics exist both in the spectral envelope (vocal tract characteristics) and in the suprasegmental features (voice source characteristics and dynamic features spanning several segments). Selecting the most effective fusion techniques depends on operational issues such as accuracy requirements, availability of training data, and the validity of simplifying assumptions.

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