
A floating mosquito-larval trap for medium- to largesized artificial containers was developed that eliminates many of the biases commonly associated with human collection techniques. This trap was extremely efficient in sampling Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciatus immatures during both laboratory and field tests. Field trials revealed that the AFRIMS trap was highly sensitive (98.4 to 99.2%) for detecting immatures in known positive water jars in a 24-h period. In addition, over 42,000 immatures were collected in 1322 traps, and results from 1159 traps in which larvae and pupae were separated revealed an average of 31 larvae and 1.4 pupae collected per trap per 24-h period. Other advantages of the trap besides efficiency and sensitivity are its small size, low cost and simple construction. It keeps specimens alive, collects larvae and pupae, is sturdy and durable, functions as a random sampler, and also can be used as a surveillance device.

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